Google could take action against 10 Indian App developers for not paying play store fees

Google: Google said on Friday, March 1 that it is going to implement its App Store billing policy. This means that companies and their apps that do not follow Google’s app billing policy can be removed from the Google Play Store.

This tech giant Google further said that they have more than 2 lakh Indian developers using Google Play Store, who follow their policy. But there are 10 Indian companies which have chosen not to pay for the service.

What did Google say?

Google said in a blog post, “After giving these developers more than three years to prepare, including three weeks after the Supreme Court order, we are taking some necessary steps to ensure that “We are ensuring that our policies are consistently enforced across the entire system, as we do globally for any policy violations.”

Let us tell you that there are some internet companies like and, which did not follow Google’s rules and hence Google wants to remove them from Google Play Store. These companies had approached the Supreme Court not to be removed from the Google Play Store, but on February 9, 2024, the Supreme Court refused to pass an interim order to protect the removal of the apps of such companies from the Google Play Store. And said that the next hearing of this case will be on March 19.

Supreme Court did not defend

Regarding this, Google further wrote in its blog post that no court or regulatory body has forbidden Google Play from charging fees for the services provided by it. Google said in its blog post that on February 9, the Supreme Court refused to interfere in this right of Google Play Store, but even after that some such app developers started running their business model and ecosystem.

Let us tell you that these app developers of India had approached the Supreme Court against the order of Madras High Court, which had rejected their petition challenging the implementation of Google’s app billing policy, but the Supreme Court upheld the Play Refused to defend him at the store. Now it has to be seen what decision the Supreme Court gives in the hearing to be held on March 19 and what action Google takes against these apps.

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